Friday, October 14, 2011

Rick Perry & Women

I found the blog posting "What a Rick Perry Presidency Would Look Like For Women" from the "Mean Rachel" blog to be very interesting. Although Rachel identifies herself as being younger, her profile is pretty impressive, and in my opinion she appears to be pretty qualified to comment on political matters. Rachel is clearly left wing, and covered the 2008 Democratic National Convention, as well as having written for The Huffington Post.

In this particular blog entry, Rachel is tries to describe what the election of Governor Rick Perry would mean for american women, based on the policies he supports. According to Rachel, the first order of business would be to emphasize abstinence. We all know that Governor Perry feels very strongly about this issue, however the author points out that according to a 2005 study, teens were having more sex after undergoing an abstinence only program. Therefore, Perry's persistance in executing this program is based solely on a "From my own personal life" platform.

The blog post goes on to point out many other problems the state of Texas has on its hands under Perry's governing. It is brought out, as it has been in many recent debates that Texas is suffering in the education area, labeled the state with the highest percent of high school dropouts. Clearly the author did her research, rather than simply bashing the Governor.

Although this blog is written to be funny or "mean" as implied by the title, it brings to light several points that may be of interest to women voters. Obviously all of the problems in Texas cannot be blamed on Rick Perry, but women who read this blog will certainly be interested in it's contents.

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